If you need to sell a house with a lot, but you do not want to do the valuation yourself, afraid to put a very low or too high price, then you can use the help of real estate agencies.
To do this you find an experienced realtor and ask him for a fee to determine the value of your property.
Remember that real estate agents only determine the market value of the house.
They use several valuation methods to do this:
Analogical – the 3 transactions already conducted in your area in the last 6 months are taken into account. In this case, the characteristics of the houses are similar. That is, based on the already sold lots, a price is formed for your property.
Cost-based – suitable for newly built homes. To determine the value of the house, all the costs of its construction are summed up.
In practice, a comprehensive appraisal is used to evaluate real estate.
To find out the value of a house with a plot, the market is monitored, then the average price of the house is determined and the average price of a hundred square meters of land is determined.
How to appraise a house on your own?
If you want you can evaluate your property without hiring real estate agents. We suggest you use a comparative analysis method.
In printed publications or online resources, find 10 houses and land with similar characteristics.
You call them all and go to see them. This is necessary to eliminate the “bogus” listings. We will focus only on real estate.
For each house do the following calculations:
Price of the property (homes)/Total square footage of the house = Average cost per square meter.
Compare all the data you received and cross out the cheapest and the most expensive option.
Calculate the average cost of 1 sq. m. all objects.
(Price of 1 property + Price of 2 properties +…)/(S 1 property + S 2 properties +…) = Average price
Determine the approximate value of your home.
Average price of 1 sq. m. *S house = House price
This is a rough estimate of the value of your home alone, but you should consider that there are a number of factors that can increase or decrease the value of your property.